Otsego County > Milford

County: Otsego

  2,827 town
  367 village

Otsego Rural Housing Assistance, the largest nonprofit in Milford, serves rural, low-income residents, the elderly, and people with disabilities in Otsego County

School districts: Milford Central School District
Libraries: Milford Free Library

Emergency services: Milford Fire Department

Fraternal organizations: American Legion, Rotary

Not-for-profit cemeteries: Milford Cemetery

Recent grants:

Milford Central School District
  U.S. Department of Education  -  Washington, DC  -  $30,008  (2022)

Milford Fire Department
  Federal Emergency Management Agency  -  Washington, DC  -  $39,047  (2022)

Otsego Rural Housing Assistance
  New York State Homes and Community Renewal  -  Albany, NY  -  $400,000  (2023)

Otsego Rural Housing Assistance
  New York State Homes and Community Renewal  -  Albany, NY  -  $100,000  (2022)

Village of Millford
  Federal Emergency Management Agency  -  Washington, DC  -  $47,238  (2023)

Largest nonprofits in Milford (by assets) include:

Otsego Rural Housing Assistance
Milford Central School Education Foundation
Milford Housing Development Fund Company